Sunday, March 28, 2010

Falling for the Five's

And forgetting our Four's

Four was rough with A. There were several moments over the stretch known fondly as 'freak-out-four's' that I poured out my troubled heart to friends as I poured wine into our glasses. My friends encouraged me to hang tight - that Five's were just around the bend...and promised me that Five's were a bit more fabulous.

The four's felt really really really long. Somehow life must be harder when you reach four because she behaved as if she was being torturned half the time. She was frustrated by most everything, she did most everything at a snail's pace, whining the entire way through. She refused to eat, didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to put on her shoes, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't. You get the picture.

As much as you love your may like them a little less from time to time (and I say that with a big smile) when they are going through these 'phases'.

And just when we were at wit's end with all the shenanagin's...A turned 5 in January. I can't tell you how we anticipated that day! I think Josh and I thought it would we would magically see a metamorphosis from the little green monster to a well behaved soon as we hit the start of her 5th year - on the hour she was born.

Clearly there was no magic in site that very day....but I can say that in March we are on the right track. This week my sweet, loveable, listening, minding, helpful little girl returned. And now we are well on our way back to princessdom.

My sweet baby girl has returned! She's decided learning might be fun after all (phew - we were worried about school), she gets her self dressed in the morning, helps get her breakfast, takes her dishes to the sink, brushes her teeth when asked, cleans up her toys, she kisses and hugs and cuddles her mama and skips the whining and fits and reasons why she can't or won't altogether.

Phew. Welcome back my sweet girl. Just in the nick of time! Mama was about to lose her mind. I've missed you! I am so glad to be off track 4 & on track 5. (And to those who are reading along, please DO NOT ruin it for me. I just want to be in this happy place tonight).

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